SwedishBricks.net Mailing Lists

If you are having a problem posting and need to modify an existing subscription, please use this form. Due to the problem of full mailboxes and bounced mail, AOL users must use digest mode.

Note: If your posting address doesn't exactly match your subscribed address, you may be able to receive mail but won't be able to post. You can't subscribe at work, and post from home, for instance.

JohnSmith@home.com is different than JohnSmith@SMTP.home.com

John.Smith@home.com is different than John-Smith@home.com

JohnSmith@POPSERVER.home.com is different than JohnSmith@SMTP.home.com

You'll receive an unsubscription notification notification, a new subscription notification, along with a couple of confirmation responses from the list server.

Old E-mail Address to unsubscribe (username@domain.ext)
Current delivery mode:
New E-mail Address to subscribe (username@domain.ext)
Desired Mode: